GIP: Game Spotlight


Game7 is a thriving community that supports the growth of the decentralized gaming ecosystem. With initiatives like the successful Playtesting initiative, numerous games have joined the platform and received valuable feedback from the community, helping developers refine their games. As more promising games and dedicated founders join the Game7 platform, it is essential to create a spotlight initiative that showcases these upcoming games, their teams, and their visions. This will not only increase the visibility of these games but also strengthen the Game7 community by facilitating collaboration, feedback, and engagement.

Proposal Summary:

This proposal aims to create a “Game Spotlight” initiative within the Game7 community. This spotlight will feature upcoming games part of the Game7 platform and have participated in the existing Playtesting initiative. Each spotlight will include information about the team, their vision, and additional game details, gathered through a questionnaire or a verbal interview. By leveraging the existing Playtesting initiative and involving community members in the content creation process, this proposal seeks to further support the growth of decentralized gaming and amplify the impact of Game7’s collaborative efforts, while also minimizing brand risk for Game7.

Proposed Medium for Spotlight Posts:

The proposed medium for publishing the spotlight articles is Medium and could be named “”. This offers an additional layer of separation from Game7’s main blog and will be known as the “community” bog. This minimizes potential brand damage and ensures that the spotlight initiative remains focused on promoting and supporting the games and their development teams.


To increase the visibility of upcoming games and their founders within the Game7 community, facilitating collaboration, feedback, and engagement while minimizing brand risk for Game7.


By showcasing promising games and their development teams, the Game7 community can foster a supportive ecosystem that encourages innovation and growth in the decentralized gaming space while mitigating potential brand damage.

Steps to Implement:

  1. Establish a rigorous diligence process for selecting games to be featured in the spotlight, requiring participation in the existing Playtesting initiative
  2. Create a questionnaire or interview template to gather information from the featured teams, including their track record, game development progress, and future plans.
  3. Coordinate with the selected teams to collect the required information and media assets.
  4. Engage community members in writing the spotlight articles or producing the video content.
  5. Promote the spotlight content through Game7’s social media channels and community platforms.
  6. Publish the spotlight articles on Medium instead of Game7’s blog to provide an additional layer of separation, minimizing potential brand damage.

Timeline: After completing the Playtesting initiative a game will have the following timeline:

  • Week 1: Undergo diligence and complete the questionnaire.
  • Week 2: Review answers which may include additional follow-up.
  • Week 3: Post on Medium


The estimated cost for implementing this proposal includes content production, editing, and promotion. By involving community members in content creation, monetary costs will be non-existent.

Risk Minimization

To minimize the risk of brand damage to Game7, the following measures will be implemented:

  1. Thorough diligence of games and founders: Only projects with a proven track record, participation in the Playtesting initiative, and clear progress in game development will be considered for the spotlight. Each founder must “Dox.”
  2. Transparency: The spotlight articles or videos will include disclaimers stating that the featured games are independently developed and not directly affiliated with Game7, thus maintaining a degree of separation.
  3. Publishing on Medium: Instead of hosting the spotlight articles on Game7’s blog, they will be published on Medium. This provides an additional layer of separation and helps to protect the Game7 brand.


Apologies for the delay on responding to your post here in the Forum.

We’ve been hosting a number of Game Spotlights led by @kostas who has exposure to a strong pipeline of titles with the playtesting initiative and the support he’s been providing

Please reach out by DM if you remain interested in leading a spotlight or co-hosting with @Kostas. We can connect the dots and make something happen.



Great proposal, I like the idea a lot. Allowing G7 to showcase some gaming projects we see true potential in, creating additional focal points that our community can hone in on to help support!