Game7 Community Activation at ETH Denver [Request for Feedback]


After the success of the GAM3R Forum, Game7 aims to be present at key events in 2023 to bring the community together offline with a mission of promoting the advancement of Web3 gaming. Our community team has been in touch with the ETH Denver organizers and is eager to have us join their hackathon!

ETH Denver has provided a booth area to accommodate our community initiatives and projects to showcase their work, set bounties, and network with Web3 builders. But we as a community should go beyond that! We’re a gaming community, so we should make this experience about games!

That’s where we need a collective effort to push it through!


We’re seeking ideas for adventures the Game7 community can facilitate to create a shared, fun, and memorable time at the event. They should be creative ideas related to Web3 gaming to share with ETH Denver builders on-site.

Here are some ideas we brainstormed with members, but we know we can do better with everyone’s help!

Feel free to expand on each one, propose new ones, or volunteer to help execute any of them:

  • Playtesting Web3 games: Bring game developers to showcase their games and allow attendees to provide direct feedback. We have many developers in the community who would like to receive input from Web3 native players, and this exhibition will enable them to do so.
  • Tournaments with NFT rewards : We can partner with one of the eSports organizers, like Community Gaming or another, to facilitate tournaments during the event.
  • Build a mobile-friendly hackathon on-chain game: This is a heavy lift. We will need to collaborate with another party, so if anyone has ideas for partnerships or execution paths, please share!
  • What else?


  • Time: We have roughly ten days to decide so we can plan any necessary build-outs, equipment orders, etc. Please reply promptly!
  • Cost: Ideas should have a reasonable cost for execution, i.e., if we need to buy ten high-performance computers for the event, it may not be feasible to purchase but renting could be an option depending on availability locally.
  • Talent: Please propose ideas you can contribute to the execution and/or operation of them. We have limited resources, so any help counts!

Perks to active contributors

  • Guaranteed entrance to the event
  • Based on availability:
    • Ability to showcase your project at ETH Denver at the Gaming Track buildout.
    • A dedicated booth for your project to hand out swag and network with builders
    • Logo placement at Game7 booth
    • VIP tickets to your representative(s)

Please note in the comments if you’re planning to be at the event and/or interested in volunteering at the booth :slight_smile:

Thanks to KostasZrk#1190 & rk12#5935 for feedback so far and for helping kickstart conversations around this! An active conversation around this topic is also happening on the Game7 Discord under the general chat channel. Feel free to add your thoughts on both places.


( cross posted on the discord, good conversation happing there )
I would go with a simple, fun, and engaging experience. something that requires very little to get into and leaves the user with a smile. Partnering would be a bonus to promote everyone.

due to the nature of conventions, and that most convention attendees don’t want to spend a lot of time at any single booth ( unless planned ) what about a global engagement game? work with the event itself to host a sort of competition between attendees where they collect poaps or scan a code at each participating booth, with rewards based on # of booths attended, swag, some keyword, time to get them all, or something else? Of course all of this has the Game7 logo on it with the point of being extremely simple to use, and directs them back to the game7 booth to collect their prizes
maybe the top X get access to the after party, to drive engagement


KT! Thanks for the reply here! Your idea gives me treasure hunt vibes. It makes me think of the Ready Player One scavenger hunt! I can see something akin to this happening once the community is at a larger stage, as this would require a lot of leg work! Fun idea, though! Would love to hear more of your thoughts about it via Discord. I will DM there.


A combination of playtesting and tournaments, looks perfect to me. People probably go there to experience things, not sure if they want to hear anything about the complicated things going on in the background. So, what better way than showcasing them some of the cool games around and why not the tournaments this way they get the chance to get some rewards too, or a small guaranteed one for the participation.
(Apologies if my comment doesn’t add much. Just wanted to share the point of view of people like me that might want to go there only to experience the tech)


As a life long gamer, with the builder in me I love the hackathon idea. As we are all aware hackathons are events where people with a shared passion for programming come together to find innovative solutions to technical challenges.

I think this is a great opportunity for Game7 to showcase it’s creativity and also clam a word first in the process. My suggestion is that the hackathon be center around creating a Web3 Game with the assistance of AI naming the ChatGPT AI Bot. If you have not check it out yes please go to and ask it the question.

“Create a Hedera upgradable ERC20 token smart contract using the Hardhat framework that has a 1 billion IV token supply with 18 decimal places, with logic for error handling, and a governance mechanism to the contract to allow for future updates and changes to be made in a transparent and decentralized manner”

then when its done say “make the contract fully functional” and when it is done say “write the complete contract for me to copy”’ sometimes it will stop and i think its because its still in BETA but just say “continue” and it will start again.

I think you builders out there that understand code and see the power in this AI.


Make a dynamic Angry Birds style UI in addition to implementing a Worlds/Levels system using the ChatGPT AI Bot for all coding possible. This is an intermediate level task i believe so i is not that difficult the complete. the developer(s) should have a understanding of scripting in Unity and C#

Finally ask ChatGPT AI Bot how to create a smart contract (on any chain of their choice)and have the game interact with is in order to give 1 token every time a level is completed. This is the Web3 Component of the hackathon.


POQ would love to provide our cross-game, cross-platform digital currency as a prize!


Appreciate the comment Rin! Agreed on all points!


Delroy! Thank you for the comment here. It would be interesting to have AI play a part in the event… Although what comes to mind is that the inclusion of AI is not that team-friendly of a challenge. It’s more of a single dev interacting with the prompt. What are your thoughts here @Delroy ?


Me and another developer on my team was playing with the ChatGPT AI Bot for a couple of days and it was a great amount of fun. more fun than if i did it by myself. us working together on it actually made it more apparent how impressive the ChatGPT AI Bot was.

Also one Dev can work on ChatGPT AI Bot while the other builds the UI and other aspects of the game.


This may sound boring, but I’ve been to a few live events where they put up large white walls with one question at the top. and markers all around for attendees write their answers. It might be fun/interesting to have one with the question “Blockchain predictions for 2023?”. It becomes a fun little time capsule that you can bring out at the end of the year you can bring it out and make some fun content around what did/didn’t happen.


@DaveY siad this on discord

One idea would be to have some surveys on site that passers-by can easily engage with, and later on present the findings via Twitter. A small mix of 4-5 questions about industry predictions, mixed with demographic segmentation questions like “I’m working on a game now, will be working on a game, looking forward to playing a game, not interested in web3 gaming”. Would be some good conversation openers because the time investment is low. Use a catchy hanging sheet like “Cast your 2023 predictions!”

I agree because its basically the same thing and i think it would be a cool idea.


I like this a lot - great idea!


I think a combo of playtesting and tournaments sounds awesome.

I wonder from game devs is something that might also be helpful could be a community session across game devs and other experienced designers around challenges like game design, growth, etc.


Perhaps niche it down to “Web3 Gaming predictions for 2023”? Or perhaps “Which genre can utilize Web3 tech the most in gaming?”. I like this!


If you had to list all of the ‘challenges’, which would they be? Would be a good list to have for future reference; possibly for Virtual Community Evenets!


“Web3 Gaming predictions for 2023” is a perfect prompt! :slight_smile:


Hi all, just wanted to share some updates on the ongoing conversations we’re having re ED and potential partners who’ve reached out to help facilitate activities.

  • Playtesting: We’re in talks with Community Gaming to host playtesting/tournaments at our booth. If anyone has any comments/feedback they’d like to share on this, please do so.
  • Scavenger Hunt: A company called SideQuest is interested in building an AR experience to collect NFTs at the hackathon for people to learn about the origin of Game7. We’re waiting on a progress update and share it with everyone.
  • On-chain mini-game: Moonstream is working on an on-chain game that attendees can play on mobile, and they will showcase progress/leaderboard at the booth.
  • Side event: SupraOracles reached out to host a side event with Game7, which will be open to all G7 community members attending. They should share more details on our forum in the coming days, and we can decide if we’d like to proceed based on their proposal.
  • Bounties: We’ve incorporated a bounty to allow devs to build a game using ChatGPT based on @Delroy Brown suggestion. As well as bounties for improving wallet interactions for game devs, HyperPlay related bounties to help them with core infra, and Moonstream bounty related to their on-chain game.

Open for any comments or questions so far


Hi. About the playtesting/tournaments hosting, our team(catze labs building trouble punk) has experience already with this. Maybe I and my team could be helpful.
TroublePunk Tournaments Live Youtube
Send me email about anything!

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